Will my gym membership still work?
Yes. Your membership will become a Lifestyles Health and Fitness membership just like other CV Life leisure facilities.
Will my membership price change?
No, the price along with the terms and conditions of your membership usage will stay the same.
Will my direct debit be the same?
Membership price will be the same with direct debits being debited on the 1st working day of each month, as from 1st July 2021. A new direct debit mandate will need to be completed to help the transfer of your membership seamless.
CVLife team will be available on site from the 4th May 2021 to assist you with completing a new direct debit mandate and to answer any questions you may have.
All members are urged to complete and return new direct debit mandates by the 15th July 2021 to keep your current membership active. If you are unable to complete the new mandate by the above date your current membership will automatically be cancelled and be required to re-join as a new member by paying the joining fee and the usual pro rata payments.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us lifestyles@cvlife.co.uk.
Will I be able to use other Lifestyles Health and Fitness facilities?
No. Your current Lifestyles membership will be for use at Moat House Leisure and Neighbourhood Centre only. To use other Lifestyles facilities, head to the Lifestyles Membership package page.
Who is the point of contact for membership queries?
lifestyles@cvlife.co.uk aim to answer queries within 24 hours.
When will Moat House Leisure and Neighbourhood Centre be open? The centre will re-open as government guidelines and restrictions allow. Follow updates on the CV Life or Lifestyles social media.
For more information about Moat House Leisure Centre joining CVLife, please visit: httpss://www.cvlifestyles.co.uk/latest-news/cv-life-welcomes-moat-house-leisure-and-neighbourhood-centre-to-the-family/