CV Life staff and members from The Wave, AT7, The Alan Higgs Centre and Xcel Centre recently completed their charity walk up Snowdon! The team of 23 included all abilities and ages, each with different goals. 12 walkers managed to reach the top, with three, 10 minutes from completing and eight making it a huge three quarters of the way, despite yellow weather
The team were raising money to support the Zoe’s Place charity; in doing so they managed to raise over £1000 so far!
Doug, Lifestyles member, said: “The day was really enjoyable but unfortunately there was no control over the horrendous weather. Anyone who reached the summit deserved a medal. Surprisingly, I was able to walk the next day! Looking forward to our next adventure.”
Penny, Lifestyles member, said: “Absolutely loved the day, it was great! Despite the wet and windy conditions, it was well organised. Good to get to know more people and chat. Feel incredibly proud that I made it despite the weather, such an amazing achievement.”
Each one of the walkers wanted to boost their health, set personal targets and achieve something amazing. Well done to all of those who took part, raised money and represented CV Life. Events like this are also a fantastic celebration of Coventry’s title of European City of Sport 2019.
Watch out for more team sport events for charities to get involved in soon.